Thursday, August 22, 2024

Spotlight - Hon. Judge Chantelle Porter

Spotlight: Judge Chantelle Porter

Judge Chantelle Porter, Democratic candidate for 18th Judicial Circuit Court Subcircuit 1, which covers Addison, Villa Park, Bensonville, Glendale Heights and Wood Dale.

Judge Chantelle Porter is running to hold the judicial seat in DuPage Subcircuit 1. She is the first, and remains the only, black woman Circuit Court Judge in DuPage County. 

Illinois Bar Association Article

Judge Porter received the highest numeric rating of any judicial candidate in the ISBA Judicial Advisory Poll. 

She earned this because she’s smart and committed to doing the work. She is from DuPage and she has spent her career representing children and families. She is on the bench in the domestic relations division, handling juvenile court matters.

Learn About Judge Porter

Judge Porter is an expert in her courtroom. That means DuPage residents have a judge with the subject matter knowledge, experience, and temperament particularly suited to serve those who appear in her courtroom.  

On the bench, Judge Porter has worked to improve the justice system. She has implemented procedures that reduce red tape and help young people get back on track. Her effort to better serve families makes a difference. 

Judge Porter’s opponent calls himself an Independent. He pulled Republican primary ballots for decades until he needed not to pull a primary ballot so he could run as an independent. No Republican candidate is running. Earlier in this election season, another candidate for a judge position in DuPage advised his friends that judges can no longer win as Republicans in DuPage County.  Not all candidates believe that because some candidates are running for the judge position as Republicans (see your Appellate races for Trump supporters and Clarence Thomas acolytes on that side of the ticket). We understand political maneuvering, but find it particularly unsettling when voters are trying to assess the background of their judges. 

At the end of the day, party affiliation is not as important as Judge Chantelle Porter’s knowledge, qualifications, recommendations, and experience, which are superior to her opponent. DuPage families deserve to keep this excellent judge on the bench. 

Let's make sure our friends and neighbors are voting for Judge Porter this election cycle. If you live in her area or know people in those towns, let them know to vote for Judge Chantelle Porter. If you want to help the DuPage Democrats get out the vote for Judge Porter, contact us at

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