Thursday, August 1, 2024

Spotlight - DuPage County Forest Preserve

DuPage County Forest Preserve Referendum in the Spotlight!

Referendum on the Ballot for all of DuPage!


is the right answer for our DuPage County Forest Preserve!


  • The DuPage County Forest Preserve has had record high visits to its lands - an 83% increase since 2006
  • The Forest Preserve has added land, restored land, cleaned waterways and improved outdoor space in DuPage year after year
  • In 2006, it cost $4,000 to restore an acre of land, today it costs $12,600. 

These increases are why the Forest Preserve is seeking, through the referendum on your ballot, "to increase the limiting rate of its tax levy."


Why are we giving you numbers from 2006? Because that was the last time the Forest Preserve asked taxpayers for an increase. In 2006, for every $100 in taxes paid, it received $2.30, today it receives $1.50. If the Referendum is approved, it still won't be exceeding the $2.30 it used to receive, it will receive $1.90. 

The DuPage Forest Preserve's Board (composed of Republicans and Democrats) unanimously approved 7-0 asking for the referendum to be on the ballot. Your Forest Preserve officials and staff cannot tell you how to vote and they can't advocate for yes or no. They can share information.

The details are here:

Visit the Forest Preserve Website

There is a separate bi-partisan group of advocates who are informing residents. They support sustaining our DuPage County Forest Preserve by saying yes to the referendum. You will be hearing more from them during the election season. Candidly, it's a great situation when we have a question on the ballot that has support from both sides of the aisle! 

Most importantly, our open spaces and well-regarded forest preserves are something our DuPage residents use and support. Voting yes on the referendum is good for all of us in DuPage.

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