Thursday, July 18, 2024

Judge John Anderson

Today, we want to take a moment to highlight Judge John Anderson running for the Appellate Court and an event being held this weekend to support him.


First, let us tell you some things about Judge Anderson's opponent.  The opponent is a former Clarence Thomas law clerk and fan of Justice Thomas's approach to the law. You'll recall that Clarence Thomas overturned Roe vs. Wade in the Dobbs decision and added commentary suggesting it might be appropriate to overturn gay rights in America too. The opponent also has received large campaign contributions from Richard Uihlein, a far-right extremist who supports candidates that are anti-union, anti-tax and pro-deregulation while also opposing abortion rights and gay rights. In other words, the opponent is not a mainstream, moderate candidate.


In contrast, Judge Anderson has worked on the Illinois bench for more than a decade serving the people with an approach that values fundamental fairness, equality and a respect for the rule of law. His story is one of rising above tough circumstances and working hard to build a professional career in law that has earned him accolades by his colleagues and reputable bar associations. He is experienced, highly qualified and highly recommended.

Read about Judge Anderson

We want to be clear: no judge can pre-judge an issue or a case, but they are able to express personal views. They can't say how they will rule on an issue. 


Judge Anderson is working hard to get to good judicial decisions. There is nothing extreme in his approach to life or the law! He's the right fit for DuPage residents.


Running for the Appellate Court means Judge Anderson has to campaign in multiple counties, not just DuPage. The 3rd District Appellate Court also covers Kankakee, Bureau, LaSalle, Iroquois, Grundy and Will Counties. Judge Anderson is one of three Democratic judges running for the Appellate Court and you should vote for all three: Judge Anderson; Justice Linda Davenport and Justice Lance Peterson. All three Democratic candidates for Appellate judge are tremendously experienced and well qualified.  


Let's support Judge Anderson and all our Democratic judicial candidates. Judges are last on the ballot but flip your ballot and vote for all our Democratic judges first! Judge John Anderson embodies mainstream, moderate values we support!

If you can't make the event this weekend to support him and DuPage County Coroner candidate Judi Lukas, please make your donations online.  

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