Amy Chavez Is Not A Politician 

Character. Community. Chavez. 

Amy is a business professional, wife, and mom. That’s all she wanted to be! But after the 2016 election, she started attending municipal and county meetings, and now… 

Amy Chavez is running for DuPage County Board–District 5 

What will Amy bring to the county board? Character. Her nonpolitician perspective, eagerness for open dialogue, and executive business experience are her strengths. She believes we need more results driven government officials and we should expect transparency and action. Amy wants to keep our tax dollars in DuPage County by limiting contributions to lobbyists in Springfield and making sure every contract goes through a competitive bidding process. She wants to tackle storm water issues with resilient solutions. She wants to bring unity to the board and promote Democratic values. 

Can she do it? Amy is building on a robust corporate career. At Lucent Technologies, as liaison to the Salt Lake City Olympic Committee, she managed a $350 million Telecommunications project to meet the tech and data demands of the Olympic Games. At Allergan Pharmaceuticals, she managed a multi-state region, focusing on glaucoma and blindness prevention. She was consistently recognized among the top 5% of employees. Amy also holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration from Colorado State University. 

What else will Amy bring to the Board? Community. She has a heart for activism and service. Amy co-founded We Are ONE Naperville, a forum for inclusion and unity through action. She has also been on the boards of the Junior League of Seattle and the Miss Colorado Scholarship Organization. She volunteers for organizations that reflect Democratic values—Moms Demand Action, World Relief, and our public schools. 

Amy lives in Naperville with her husband and their 11-year old twins. 

Character. Community. Chavez. 

Visit and find her on all social media @ amychavez2020