Friday, July 13, 2018

DPDC Weekly Newsletter - 7/13/2018

She's running.
Zahra is a writer, public speaker, business owner, mother, and Muslim-American. She also wants to serve on the DuPage County Board in District 1.
In other news...
The Layman's Guide to Brett Kavanaugh

“Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the D.C. Circuit is not just a drop of salt in the partisan wounds, it is the whole shaker.”
Dupage County Public Transportation

"DuPage’s public transportation, simply put, is underwhelming compared to those of other nearby counties."
What's happening?
Sangria Tasting Fundraiser!

When: July 25, 6pm - 8pm
Where: Democratic Party of DuPage County, 1000-7 N Rohlwing Rd, Lombard, IL 60148, USA
Cost: $20 at the door
Ghazal Musical Night and Dinner to Support Sadia Covert for Dupage County Board

When: July 13, 6pm
Where: White Eagle Owner's Club
Cost: $50/person, $85/couple, $100/couple at door
Tweet of the Week
Some thoughts..
Friday the 13th is considered a bad omen, but those feel kind of silly when everything happening is already so bad.

It's kind of like you get into a car crash, and then break a mirror. We get it, you're unlucky.

It's weeks like this that we're reminded of a quote from Gary Player, a South African superstar of golf.

"The harder you work, the luckier you get."

The Republican Party, hell-bent on eliminating rights and protections for America's most vulnerable currently controls the White House, Congress, and now, potentially, the Supreme Court.

It's time to work really, really hard. We need all the luck we can get.

We need you.

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