Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Friend, We are Missing the Moment....

America, We are missing the moment…

America, we are missing the moment. We are in a global pandemic, we are in an economic downturn that is far reaching and we are in an ongoing failure to address racial inequality and injustices. We need to face these challenges together, we need to step up and do better, we need to heal. We need to stop the blame game, we need to address these issues with empathy and problem solving. 

We need leadership that is committed to healing and addressing these issues, that leadership includes you and me. We are the change that we seek. Step up, do better, don't let this moment define us, let us rise to the challenge of the moment. Listen to your fellow Americans that are hurting, advocate for solutions, call for peace and healing, demand better from yourself, your neighbors, your elected representatives and the system. I believe in us...

Sincerely, Cynthia Borbas
Chair of the Democratic Party of DuPage County

Black Lives Matter...

Black Lives are in Danger...

Back Lives Matter: The reality of this statement is that today, Black Lives don't Matter as much as other lives in our society. The Black Lives Matter movement challenges us to do better to ensure Black Lives Matter as much as everyone else.

It's as simple as that. Acknowledging that Black Lives should Matter as much as others is not radical or divisive, it's moral and patriotic.

If you don't call out injustices, you are complicit and part of the problem, step up, do better. We need you.
No matter
who you are,
whom you love,
where you come from,
human rights are for everyone.

This Pride Month, and every day, Stand Up for Human Rights.
From Equality Illinois - The First Pride Was a PROTEST!
Fifty-one years ago this month, LGBTQ patrons of the Stonewall Inn rose up against police brutality. Led by people of color, and trans women of color in particular, their rage fueled a protest that lasted for days. We must never forget that, at its core, Pride is a police protest.

As we watch the protests and riots in our country, it is our duty as LGBTQ people to honor those from historically marginalized communities who continue to push back against the police injustices they experience. It is our duty to stand with our LGBTQ African-American siblings and demand better from the police.
2020 Election Cycle Notes
Want 2020 Election Updates?
Like a reminder of when you can fill out your Vote By Mail application, how to register to vote, early voting dates/locations, etc... Text myvote2020 to 94253.

DuPage Democratic Candidate List can be found here:

Facts about Vote by Mail
  • Vote By Mail is currently available to all Illinois Residents.
  • Both Republican and Democratic Election Judges are ALWAYS present during all phases of processing Vote by Mail Ballots (Postmark Check, Signature Check, Feeding the Ballot through the Machine, etc...).
  • Vote By Mail provides a paper trail that can always be verified/audited.
  • Vote By Mail is an excellent option to keep both your health and vote safe.
  • August 5 is the first day to apply for a Vote By Mail Ballot.
  • For More information visit votedupage.com/vbm
Connect 2 Each Other
There is a new group is forming that you should know about and think about joining, even if it is just to stay informed. Connecting 2 Each Other is getting off the ground. Everything name included is evolving. The unorganized justifiably angry youth are leading this movement and we need to catch up. This group is focused on sharing information, resources and training to lift up and connect individuals and groups doing the work. We need to have the groups who are doing the work on certain issues like Anti-Racism be raised up.  Please share this information and group with your members or people that you know. This needs to be distributive organizing and exponential in the scope of growth. We need to harness the work and momentum of all the groups we all belong to. If you have any questions please reach out!

Sign up here to get involved with next steps http://bit.ly/connecting-2-each-other. Be sure to give us name ideas. After this is filled in, a few days from now those who have similar interests will be connected to each other. Leaders need to step up to help raise up and develop the work on the following issues. 

Join this Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/973981379684756/ You can privately share your groups events, posts and thoughts to get a greater reach. Please invite others to it. Does anyone want to be an admin?

Like this page https://www.facebook.com/Connecting-To-Each-Other-107953380942611/?modal=admin_todo_tour. The exact same as the group except it is 100% public to be shared to the world. Does anyone want to be an admin?
The best way to build the momentum is to start talking to each other and organizing. The best way to do that with an unlimited number of people is through Slack. The events are happening so quickly and so many people need to be educated. People need to be able to hear YOUR VOICE and opinions and ideas.  This is the link that will join you to our shared Slack Channel so that you can communicate in an organized manner with thousands of people that care about these same issues https://join.slack.com/t/connecting2eachother/shared_invite/zt-erl8dpzm-Q~MZSynaBetgCHcIo259xA. Slack is a free application that can be put on any digital device with internet. Here is a tutorial https://slack.com/resources/slack-101. It is far more organized and searchable than emails. Please start communicating! You can communicate with all the other people that have joined. I will also send you another direct method to get into Slack. Don’t delete that email and you can add it to your favorite devices. 

“Channels" in Slack are topics people will constantly be communicating on. People will then sort their communications accordingly and those interested self select. Here are the current ones but any can be added or changed to how you want them.

1. Economic Impact - 
2. Educational of community members-
3. Hiring Impact 
4. Hiring practices 
5. Business community outreach 
6. Election Integrity
7. Souls to the Polls 
8. Police Use of Force and Accountability 
9. Municipality issues
10. Judicial
11. Diversity training
12. Youth 
13. Mental health
14. Healthcare
15. Environmental Impacts
16. Events
17. Resources to share
18. Question & Answer
19. Introductions
20. Fundraising ideas you want advertised
21. Social media
22. Groups that need help with something
23. Coordination efforts with each other 
24. Elected officials 
26. communication
27. County issues
28. Cover
29. Do you need a hand with something
30. Educational systemic issues
31. general anti-racism efforts-info
32. Hot new ideas brainstorm time
33. Immigrant related
34. Latinx
36. National issues.
37. Random
38. Social Media
39. Social Justice
40. Voter turnout
41. Weekly sync
42. Welcome introductions

The events are coming very fast. I listed all the details in the Slack channel. I can not go to them all but I will go to as many as I can but we really need your help.  

Thank you for all of you do!

Diane Hewitt
President of Indivisible DuPage
2020 DuPage Dems Stamp Drive
Chip in $5 for our 2020 Stamp Drive!
Help us get out the word on all Democrats on the ballot in DuPage in 2020. We need stamps for letters, postcards and mailers.
Additionally, Support the Post Office and Letter Carriers who are under attack from the Trump Administration.
Chip in $5 for our 2020 Stamp Drive!
Paid for by the Democratic Party of DuPage County, who continues the Fight for Economic Justice,
Civil Rights and Our Environment within DuPage & Beyond.

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