Monday, May 27, 2019

Friend, Memorial Day, PC Social, Pride Parade, Difference Maker and more...

Memorial Day - Remember & Honor
Senator Duckworth: Memorial Day -
'A day to honor our heroic dead'

U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth spends Memorial Day honoring her friends in the military who have fallen and the heroic soldiers who kept her from numbering among the dead.

“Memorial Day is a day to honor our heroic dead,” said Duckworth, the junior senator from Illinois. “People often confuse Veterans Day with Memorial Day. Veterans Day is when we thank our veterans for their service and Memorial Day is specifically to honor the fallen.”

Upcoming Events
PC SOCIAL - Wednesday 5/29 from 6-8pm
Cozymels | 311 E Loop Rd - Wheaton

Come join us for a social gathering for our precinct committeepersons. Open to PCs and those considering being a PC (so bring a friend/neighbor). Please RSVP.

Appetizers will be provided, cash bar, quick update on the DuPage Dems and be on the lookout for announced Elected Officials to be in attendance.

Aurora Pride Parade Sunday 6/9 11:30am (line-up) / 12:00pm (step-off)
Benton St & River St - Aurora

Walk with the DuPage Democrats in the Aurora Pride Parade!
Details: Wear Blue or Rainbows/Bright Colors. We’ll be handing out Rainbow Fans. Please bring candy to pass out to kids as well. We’ll have one truck/trailer decorated. After the parade, join us for a social. Additional line-up details will be shared as we get them.

DuPage NAACP Education Breakfast - It Takes a Village
Saturday 6/1 8:15-8:45am Breakfast | 9:00-11:30am Program
North Central College Wentz Concert Hall
171 East Chicago Avenue - Naperville

Free to attend. "It Takes A Village" will embark upon a journey of culture, perseverance, and courage of Africans on the continent of Africa, and those of African descent here in America. This journey will be traveled by way of storytelling, dance and song.

DuPage Dems 2020 Pledge
Fellow Dems,

The 2020 Election Cycle is a fight for the soul of our Country. As Democrats, we are on the right side of issues and the right side of history, but we must fight. We must fight for Economic Justice, Civil Rights and Our Environment. We must fight for Our Communities & Our Country and we must do it together.

The DuPage Dems are working with our Teams, our Townships, our Candidates, our Elected Officials, other Democratic Organizations and our Natural Allies to ensure we are ready for the fight in 2020.

We support a productive primary so we have the best candidates for the general election, but once we get past the primary, we must all unite and fight together. We ask all our Dems In DuPage to support productive primaries, support our general election candidates and do the work that needs to be done to ensure we elect Democrats up and down the ballot in 2020.

I pledge to support productive primaries, support our general election candidates and commit to doing the work that needs to be done to ensure we elect Democrats in 2020.

Thank you for continuing to fight the good fight.

Cynthia Borbas
Chair of the Democratic Party of DuPage County
DuPage Dems Difference Maker - Samantha Wilson
Samantha Wilson began volunteering in Dupage County in 2015, making calls and knocking doors for the Bernie Sanders campaign. After his defeat in the primary, Samantha began to explore the world of local politics, knocking doors for Michelle Gale and Liz Chaplin in 2016. She also became an appointed PC, later elected to York 107 in 2017, which she diligently visits every two months.

In 2017, Samantha became a co-campaign manager and speechwriter for Dan Markwell’s successful bid for the College of Dupage Board of Trustees.

After taking some time off the campaign trail to finish her Associate’s Degree at COD, Samantha joined team Judge Linda Davenport for Circuit Court in June of 2018. Together, the two women with an amazing staff, high school interns, family, friends, and volunteers, were able to reach their goal. Judge Davenport won with an outstanding 54.7% of the Dupage County vote.
For two weeks after the election, she dedicated her time to leading the effort to chase provisional and contested mail-in ballots in the hopes that many of our candidates on the verge of winning would do so. Fortunately the efforts of her and scores of other volunteers were not in vain, and many would be candidates became title-elects after those long two weeks.

Since then, Samantha has been working hard to aid the PCs of York Township by providing them with updated precinct data and beginning summer recruitment efforts. She has also joined the DPDC Data Team, and hopes to continue growing her efforts in Dupage County in the future.
Paid for by the Democratic Party of DuPage County, who continues the Fight for Economic Justice,
Civil Rights and Our Environment within DuPage & Beyond.

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