Monday, April 29, 2019

Another Election Cycle, Fair Tax Day, DuPage Dems Difference Maker and Trivia Night

Another election cycle begins...
Another election cycle begins with the majority of Americans still wanting…

Medicare for all
And pay parity
And equality for LGBTQ citizens
And humane immigration policies
And protection for Social Security
And universal background checks on gun purchases
And congressional action to protect Dreamers
And convenient access to safe abortion services
And an EPA that actually protects the environment
And treating our NATO allies as allies
And strong government oversight
And respect for the rule of law
And a livable minimum wage
And net neutrality protections
And paid maternity and sick leave
And appropriate scorn for racists, bigots and misogynists
And less influence in election funding by corporations/wealthy
And full funding and strengthening of the Affordable Care Act
And equal opportunities for women and minorities
And consumer protections that actually protect consumers
And a strong, independent press
And reality-based sex ed
And well-funded public schools
And criminal justice reform
And more investment in green energy
And higher taxes on the rich
And restrictions on assault weapons
And universal Pre-K
And marijuana legalization
And leaders who put country over party

These are all issues the Democratic Party fights for. We are on the right side of issues and the right side of history. Our communities need us to stay motivated and get ready for the fight in 2020 & Beyond. Thank you for continuing to fight the good fight.

Sincerely, Cynthia Borbas
Chair of the Democratic Party of DuPage County
DuPage Dems Difference Maker - Beth Brownson
Beth has been an active participant in Illinois Democratic politics for more than for more than four decades. Currently, she is the Precinct Committeeman for Precinct 54 in Downers Grove and an active volunteer.

Beth has served as the Secretary of Downers Grove Township Democratic Organization since 2004 and of the Democratic Party of DuPage County from 2004-2008. She served on the Executive Board of the DPDC from 1992-2008. She has served as a Precinct Committeeperson in Naperville Township from 1977-1996, York Township from 1997-2001, and Downers Grove from 2004-present. She was also a candidate for State Representative sometime during her time in Naperville. Her home was the polling place for her precinct in Naperville until 1980 until there was a commercial site in the precinct.

Beth was one of the founding members of the Democratic Women of DuPage County and served as Recording Secretary from 2010-2012.

In addition to her dedication to Democrats in DuPage County, Beth provides service to the community through other organizations. Currently she serves as the Secretary for Assistance League of Chicagoland West, a philanthropic organization that serves local families with education and outreach programs.
Trivia Night Fundraiser
Thursday 5/2 from 6:30-8:30pm
25 West Brewing Company - 327 Stratford Drive - Bloomingdale
Great opportunity to test your political knowledge, enjoy good food, and get acquainted with Bloomingdale and Wayne Township Democrats! Suggested Donation: $20/per person at door. Ready to play some political trivia? Get your trivia card at the door! Trivia Card: $10/per group. Hor d'oeuvres will be served / Cash Bar.

Fair Tax Day - April 30
It's time Illinois has a tax system that works for everyone, not just the wealthy few. That's why we hope you'll join us on April 30th in Springfield for the Fair Tax Day of Action! With the legislature planning to vote on the fair tax amendment in the coming weeks, there's never been a more important time to make our voices heard on this critical issue. The program will kick off at noon on the Capitol Square. Please stay following the program to lobby your legislator. 

You can sign up for updates leading up to the day here:

There will be busses available for those traveling from across the state. Sign up here:
Paid for by the Democratic Party of DuPage County, who continues the Fight for Economic Justice,
Civil Rights and Our Environment within DuPage & Beyond.

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