Saturday, March 11, 2017

Perez and Ellison are embarking on a Unity Tour. Let´s show them WE are ready.

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March 3, 2017
   Deputy DNC Chair Keith Ellison starts a Unity Tour with DNC Chair Tom Perez this week and Keynotes our 2017 Gala on Sunday, April 23
That´s Right, We´re it. 


Rebecca Solnit's wrote in her book Hope in the Dark;

"And then every now and then, the possibilities explode. In these moments of rupture, people find themselves members of a "WE" that did not exist until then, at least not as an entity with agency and identity and potency; new possibilities suddenly emerge, or that old dream of a just society reemerges and-at least for a little while-shines. Utopia is sometimes the goal. It's often embedded in the moment itself and it's a hard moment to explain, since it usually involves hardscrabble ways of living, squabbles and eventually disillusionment and factionalism-but also more ethereal things: the discovery of personal and collective power, the realization of dreams, the Birth of bigger dreams, the sense of connection that is as emotional as it is political, and lives that change and do not revert to old ways even when the glory subsides."

WE are the WE that WE have been waiting for. 

Because Mr Perez and Mr Ellison understand the radical importance of this WE, they, too, have begun a serious unity tour this week. 
See an article on that here.

What WE most need 
to unify on are ALL of the wonderful, rational, economically-sound, people-centered policies that have been pushed through by Democratic presidents and legislators in the U.S. and not let the incidental political squabbles of the day distract us from deep pride and the sense of meaning that comes from being the Protectors of these values.

And WE hope that you agree and will, if able, be attending our celebration of The Democratic Party, so alive and well in DuPage, with our special keynote, Deputy Democratic National Committee Chair, Keith Ellison. This is our main fundraiser of the year and the more dollars we get in for tickets, advertisements in the gala book, sponsorships and table purchases, the more flexibility we have to provide up to the minute responses to the needs of this very challenging time in history. Those dollars STAY RIGHT HERE in Dupage to do the most essential work for the long haul and Keith Ellison is coming to help us do that. Please be there.

As a party, the DPDC is on better footing and more unified than ever to meet our 3 goals of defeating Rauner, electing 6 county board members and teaching every interested Democrat in DuPage how to positively affect voter turnout in their neighborhoods. Yesterday was one more step that puts Chairman Cronin on notice that his good old boys club is about to come to an end. Defeating Rauner and electing 6 county board members to counter bad group-think policy is the next one;

In last night´s executive committee meeting--its 50 members made up of the officers of DPDC, townships chairs and proportionally-elected delegates from all 9 townships--the 
DPDC voted to oppose SB 1592, legislation proposed by County Board Chair Dan Cronin that claims to consolidate a governmental body and create a bi-partisan election commission under the direction of the County Clerk. It does neither. Cronin's proposed legislation would allow him to appoint the Democratic commissioners and does not reduce the size of government. We urged Democratic legislators to oppose the bill and simply allow for the County Board to dissolve the current Election Commission and let the County Clerk conduct the elections as is done in the other 100 counties in Illinois.

Find YOUR Action Group here!

Bob Peickert, Chair, DPDC


 If you have not yet made a contribution to the Democratic Party of DuPage--$5/month is delightful--please do so now. If you have recently given, you should have or will be receiving your membership card in the mail soon and may use it to claim a discount on your ticket for our April Gala with Keith Ellison. We thank you for helping us grow our organization.
"Suppose you had the revolution you are talking and dreaming about. Suppose your side had won, and you had the kind of society that you wanted. How would you live, you personally, in that society? Start living that way now!"

Paul Goodman, 

(1911-1972), American novelist, playwright, poet, psychotherapist, and social critic

Let´s live that way together,

The Democratic Party of DuPage County
Democratic Party of DuPage County  |  630-629-1125  |  |

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Democratic Party of DuPage County, 1000-7 Rohlwing Rd, Lombard, IL 60148
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