Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Will you help keep DuPage Blue?

Dear Democratic Friend,

Right now, we have the opportunity to protect our new Democratic majority on the County Board & continue Building a Better DuPage. That's why we're asking you to help us elect responsive and effective Democratic leaders up and down the ballot in 2024. 

Can you become a recurring donor today so our teams can reach more voters before November?


Your monthly recurring donation supports the work Democrats are doing in DuPage and beyond! Without increasing tax rates, our Democratic County majority has implemented ground-breaking achievements to support mental health, improve public safety, and upgrade our green spaces. These accomplishments bring benefits to every family in DuPage! 


Will you join our effort to get out the vote for Democratic candidates? 

Joe Biden‘s got your back with a Biden-Harris yard sign if you commit at least $10 per month! Your support strengthens DuPage by helping us elect Democrats who respond to our communities' needs.


Thank you!

Jennifer Zordani 


Democratic Party of DuPage County

     DPDC Membership - Join/Renewal DPDC ByLaws | DPDC WEBSITE

Questions/concerns? Please reach out to info@dupagedemocrats.com.

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