Sunday, July 4, 2021

Friend, Hate in the heart of DuPage on full display on the 4th of July...

***We had planned to send the second section for today's newsletter. However, earlier today, someone came across the below home in Wheaton. Even though today is a day of celebration, we had to address this issue head on. We can both celebrate the country we love and call out hate and call for action to address that hate whenever we see it.***
It is painful when we see this type of hate any day, but it is made more painful to see it today, in the heart of DuPage on the 4th of July...

This home in Wheaton, displays the disease of their hate proudly and in full view. We only have the United States of America, because we defeated those who enslaved black people and who considered them less than themselves.

The only way we keep the disease of hate from spreading and live up to the promise of America, is to have open and honest conversations about our history, our present and our future.

The DuPage Democrats are committed to having and supporting those conversations from the school room, to the board room, to the community center and everywhere in between. We are committed to fighting for the promise of America and all of her people.

-Cynthia Borbas
Chair of the DuPage Democrats
*Note: we will not release the names or address of the people who reside here. This individual home is just a symptom of a bigger problem.
Happy 245th Birthday, America!
On this day in 1776, we declared our independence from tyranny and to this day we will continue to chase it away. We must always remember the delicate balance that keeps this representative democracy and federal republic afloat. It is due to the people's diligence and steadfastness that it stays in balance. We must strive to maintain that balance always.
Paid for by the Democratic Party of DuPage County, who continues the Fight for Economic Justice,
Civil Rights and Our Environment within DuPage & Beyond.

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