Thursday, May 19, 2016

It's About You. And Now.

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An amazing flourishing of  activity has been occurring since the April Convention: new township chairs bring new ideas and energy, as do new PCs especially in the new interactive environment of our FaceBook group; committees, committed to getting down to work ,have already met and scheduled phone banks and strategy sessions to assist candidates and cash flow; our new officers are each taking a piece of this very doable puzzle and asking for others to co-lead or follow them as we continue to SET THE VALUES AGENDA that benefits the most people in their pursuit of life, liberty and happiness--the greatest promises of our great country.
If YOU have not yet, NOW is the time to engage or re-engage in helping us set and share OUR values. Doing so makes sure the spectres of distrust and dis-unity will not succeed in their craven agenda of doing what the bloodiest war in our history could not 150 years ago. 
HOW YOU DO THIS is up TO YOU. We can match you to an activity that fits your time and your talents: you can be soft and supportive while helping with special events like our upcoming Golf Outing (see below) or you can get in there and really WAKE UP DUPAGE by forming a Dynamic Precinct Organization in your neighborhood. But, we need you:

P.S. POLITICS isn't about THEM or THAT happening OUT THERE. It's about US and YOU and what can be done NOW. 
GET INVOLVED TODAY. Call 630-629-1125 or write

10th Annual DPDC Golf Outing

Click the picture above for all ticket and sponsorship info. If you wish to send a check, please do so to DPDC PO Box 185 Lombard IL 60148 by June 7th. FULL FLYER here

Many more election events are just around the corner so make sure you don't miss a single email "blast" from the party who does truly care about you, about DuPage, our country and our planet. We know you have a lot to attend to in your life but 2016 is one year you will want to keep your eye on the prize (RETAINING THE WHITE HOUSE) without fail. CALL US to let us know how we can help YOU get the voters in your neighborhood out for the Primary and the General.

Thank you for showing your support in any and all ways your conscience guides you to do so. Our organization isn't some unconnected entity that receives funds from somewhere else. YOU and organizations that share our vision--labor, teachers, social workers, and those with hearts for the regular citizen--are our meat and potatoes. Even if you can't attend this year's Gala, please contribute a little something now and make it monthly if you can. $5 or $10 a month is a magnificent way to show you care about our (almost entirely voluntary) work to bring Populist, Progressive and Diverse Unity to those whose voices often are lost in the $huffle.


Democratic Party of DuPage County
Democratic Party of DuPage County  
630-629-1125  |  |

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Democratic Party of DuPage County, 1000-7 Rohlwing Rd, Lombard, IL 60148
Sent by in collaboration with
Constant Contact

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