Saturday, April 19, 2014

Peickert Team Wins 61% of the Vote: Now, ON to the job at hand!

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County Convention
Bob Peickert and his 2014-2016 Team won re-election for his 4th term as chair of the Democratic Party of DuPage County. Also elected was Rose Fitzpatrick for 1st Vice-Chair and Bob Jeffers for Treasurer. Peickert was challenged by Bill Habel, Naperville precinct committeeman. 
Peickert said, "Bill Habel is a Democrat and I am sure that he will step up and work with the leadership to elect Democrats in 2014." Peickert also said, "I'm extremely optimistic about the future of the Democratic Party of DuPage County. I look forward to working with everyone during these next 2 years. I expect those who voted for Bill will unite behind this great team and help continue the progress that we've made these past 6 years."
Law Suit
The Democratic Party of DuPage County prevailed in a lawsuit challenging a change in the by-laws that required prior experience as a precinct committeeman before someone could run for one of the 3 officer positions elected at the convention. The lawsuit was filed by Michael Penicnak and Markus Pitchford. According to Peickert, "The decision was completely consistent with the legal opinion that we received prior to the lawsuit. This lawsuit was unnecessary and costly." Judge Terence M. Sheen ruled that the "... the DCDCC (DuPage County Democratic Central Committee) is free to further regulate the qualifications for the position under its free association right to organize itself, conduct its affairs, and select its officers, and the committee appropriately exercised that right in passing the bylaw at issue in this case."
The decision by Sheen was over 20 pages and should discourage any frivolous attempts to appeal.
Nominating Committees
Nominating committees were approved at our convention and will begin the process of filling vacancies in positions that did not have a candidate on the March primary ballot. If anyone is interested in running for office, please email the Bob Peickert at
Women and Minorities Outreach Program
The WMO is expanding into 5 caucus groups - Asian Caucus, Women's Caucus, Black Caucus, Latino Caucus and LGBT Caucus. If you are interested in participation in any of these caucus groups, please e-mail us at
We will be having a meeting soon with those interested in creating these vibrant inclusion movements.
Campaign Volunteers
If you are interested in helping any of our candidates win in November, please e-mail us and we'll put you in contact with a member of the campaign staff. 
Happy Passover , Easter and, finally, Spring, to all! Let's take a short breather to be thankful for all we have and then let's harness the energy of spring to give us the power to continue to make DuPage a healthier, fairer, and more vibrant place for all of us to live!
Paid for by the Democratic Party of DuPage County.
A copy of our report(s) filed with the Illinois State Board of Elections and DuPage County Clerk is available (or will be) for purchase from the DuPage County Clerk's office, 421 N. County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL 60187.
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Democratic Party of DuPage County 630-629-1125 | 1000-7 Rohlwing Rd | Lombard | IL | 60148

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