Thursday, October 17, 2024

Spotlight - Appellate Justice Linda Davenport

Spotlight: Appellate Justice Linda Davenport

Justice Davenport is running for the Appellate Court

As America is still reaching to elect its first woman as President, we are reminded that the path to professional success is often filled with unique hurdles for women and minorities. Whether it is comments on appearance that we make as conversation, critiques of communication styles, or expectations coupled with bias about raising children, these factors have often interfered with an evaluation of the substance of the person and affected professional development. Times have changed and we continue to make progress, but the reality is that women and minorities remain drastically underrepresented in our judicial and elected offices.

To meet, listen to, or work with Justice Linda Davenport is to engage with a judge who is focused on doing her work and excels at fairly applying the law. At the same time, Justice Davenport raises our expectations for what is possible in professional life because she has achieved many firsts. In 1995, Linda Davenport became the first woman President of the 117-year-old DuPage County Bar Association. In 2018, she was the first Democrat to win election as a Circuit Judge in DuPage County. 

Justice Davenport is rooted in DuPage County; living in Wheaton and having sat on the Wheaton City Council for eight years. She is extremely committed to community service, having run the PADs program for the homeless at her church for 15 years. 

After serving as an Associate Judge in DuPage County, she ran to win her election as a Circuit Judge before being appointed as an Appellate Justice. While she was running for Circuit Judge, she raised awareness of the opportunities for people of different backgrounds to seek the role of judge in DuPage County. Her voice carries. That is a good thing. Her colleagues responded by expanding the diversity of judges in DuPage County. 

Justice Davenport had about 18 years of experience as a trial court judge before becoming an Appellate Justice. With decades of experience as a lawyer and further decades as a judge, Justice Davenport uses her experience and qualifications to apply the law fairly and impartially. That is why she is Recommended by professional bar associations! 

Your vote to elect Justice Linda Davenport to continue as an Appellate Justice is the right decision.

Read more about Justice Davenport here

Linda's Website

REMINDER: We are fortunate to have three well-qualified, experienced Democratic candidates running for Appellate Court, and you should absolutely vote for all three.  They are not running against each other, and together they protect the rights and liberties we have in Illinois. Every  Democratic candidate for judge needs your vote! Here’s a link from Justice Davenport’s campaign page that highlights her and her Running Mates, Justice Lance Peterson and Judge John Anderson!

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